I deliver video game translation services to both private and corporate customers from English to Castillian Spanish, always with the utmost care to retain the original meaning of the original product to share the message that its creators envisioned.
Strict confidentiality of your documents is at the core of my values, besides, I am available most of the time to keep a clear and continuos communication.
Last but not least, I am able to use source material in Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese to supplement English text and improve my translations.
After translating more than 15 games, I translate text putting a loto f attention to detail to retain the original message to share it with the Spanish players. Despite my few experience, I have expertise in a wide variety of genres and I use MemoQ as my working tool to provide explendid results.

4 eyes see more than 2. In order to aim for the best quality, is always recommended to make sure that the text doesn’t have any typos and most important, being aware that the terminology is coherent during all of the game.

A brilliant translation doesn’t mean that the job is over. In order to make that translation shine, it is necessary to avoid any kind of problems that could go from content bugs (Missing text, Missing translations ect.) to visual bugs (text that overlap each other or some text that could be cut of). As a passionate gamer myself with a lof of experience in games, I won’t have any problema to try to search and recreate any type of bug that could appear in the game.

Marketing text
After more than 5 years translating press releases and reporting about online events like E3, Gamescom or Tokyo Game Show and so on, I am more than qualified to adapt the marketing texto f your products to highlingt its strengths to make it more appealing to the Spanish market.